The Conservancy sends our gratitude to local musician, Keith Earnshaw for his ongoing support of our organization. Earnshaw has made a name for himself on the Island through performances at Jailhouse Provisions, “I love playing at the Jailhouse and feel very fortunate to be supported and encouraged by very friendly staff and customers...
By Allison and Rob Miley, Life Members We began coming to Bald Head Island with our three-year-old daughter Claire in 2007, where she fell in love with the magic of the island — the beach and the ocean, golf cart rides through the woods, and the wonder of watching nesting and hatching sea turtles. The […]
By Paul Hillbrand, Sea Turtle Biologist Bald Head Island is home to a diverse and enchanting array of sea creatures. Among these remarkable marine inhabitants, sea turtles reign supreme. The beaches of BHI are home to 4 species of sea turtle including: the Loggerhead, Green, Kemp’s Ridley, and Leatherbacks, and our surrounding waters are...
In 2010, when North Carolina born and raised Jonathan Peele and Josh Whitaker, two long-time insurance professionals, opened the doors of Coastline Insurance in Southport, they made a commitment to build an insurance agency that provided an extra measure of understanding and expertise for the coastal and island homeowner. “We face a different...
For my project, I decided to create a Kids Birding Program. I chose to go with this because when I think about birding, I think about adults who have a better understanding of their surroundings and a greater ability to take in information. They also may already have knowledge of birds and may have been […]
by Dr. Beth Darrow, Chief Scientist Welcome, Coastal Scientist Allison Polinski! The Conservancy welcomes a familiar face back to the Science Team! This March, Allison Polinski joined us as our new full-time Coastal Scientist. Allison was a Conservation Intern with BHIC in summer 2021, when she brought a new appreciation for insects on campus...
On Tuesday, April 4, we gathered for the Second Annual Coastal Sustainability Symposium. This event is a facet of the Johnston Center for Coastal Sustainability, which the Bald Head Island Conservancy has established as a research partnership and education hub for sustainability related initiatives on Bald Head Island. The goal of the symposium...
The Bald Head Island Conservancy (Bald Head Island, NC) is pleased to announce the awarding of their first Johnston Graduate Student Fellowship in Coastal Sustainability. This one-year fellowship was awarded to Kimmy Hansen of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Hansen is a student in the Masters of City and Regional Planning...
The maritime forest is a distinguishing feature of Bald Head Island. It is important to protect this ecosystem so it can continue to thrive. We are involved in multiple forest health programs to help keep the maritime forest vibrant and intact. There is so much to see in the forest. Below are some of our […]
On April 4th, the Johnston Center for Coastal Sustainability will be holding its second annual Coastal Sustainability Symposium. Experts in coastal sustainability will gather on Bald Head Island to share knowledge about the coastal environment and climate science with the public. This annual symposium is a key facet of the Johnston Center for...
Location: P.O. Box 3109, 700 Federal Rd. Bald Head Island, North Carolina 28461 EIN#: 58-1574496
Phone: Office: (910)-457-0089