Bald Head Island Conservancy

Life Members

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Life Members at Bald Head Island

A lifetime membership to the Bald Head Island Conservancy is a great way to support their mission of conserving and preserving the unique ecosystems of the island for future generations to enjoy. By becoming a lifetime member, you make a one-time investment in the Conservancy’s endowment fund, which provides ongoing support for their work.

In addition to supporting the Conservancy’s mission, lifetime members also receive a number of benefits. These benefits may include invitations to special events, discounts on programs and merchandise, and recognition in the Conservancy’s publications. Memberships are available for individuals, couples, and families, and each level of membership has its own set of benefits.

By joining as a lifetime member, you become part of a community of individuals who are committed to preserving the natural beauty and biodiversity of Bald Head Island. You help ensure that the Conservancy can continue to conduct research, education, and conservation programs that benefit both the island’s residents and visitors.

Overall, a lifetime membership to the Bald Head Island Conservancy is a great way to support a worthy cause while also receiving benefits that enhance your experience on the island.

Highlighted names became Life Members in 2024.

Mr. and Mrs. David Adcock
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Allen
Brady & Martha Smith Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Anderson
Mrs. Meg Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Auchenpaugh
Mr & Mrs. Georgio Aydogdu
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Babcock
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Banas
Dr. Geoffrey Banks & Mrs. Natalie Banks
Ms. Susan Baker
Drs. Rodolphe & Lisa Barrangou
Mr. & Mrs. David Beam
Robert & Tammie Beatty
Tom and Jenny Becherer
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bell
Dr. & Mrs. William Bennett
Mrs. Bill Berne
Dr. Kimberly Blackwell
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Boes
Dr. & Mrs. John Bools
Laura and Michael Brader-Araje
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Don Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bradshaw
Kevin & Nicole Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Brawner
Alan Briggs and Dianne Reid and Family
James & Devon Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Brown
Ms. Elizabeth Burroughs
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Byrne
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Byrne
The Camp Family
Mr & Mrs. Spencer Carney
Mr. & Mrs. Watts Carr
Ms. Lois Cassidy
Mr. and Mrs. John Cathcart
Mrs. Ann Cathcart
Mr. George Cecil
Ms. Beverly Chambers
The Chanter Family
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Chatas
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Christian
Mr. & Mrs. R. Todd Clancy
Mrs. J. M. Coburn
Ms. Jenny Cockburn-Becherer
Mr. & Mrs. Earl E. Congdon
Mr. & Mrs. Sky Conklin
Mr. &Mrs. Buck Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Copan
Jim & Carol Grantham Corson
Mrs. Howard W. Coupland
Mr. Rex Cowdry & Ms. Donna Patterson
Ms. Adie Coy
Mr. Adan Coy
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cresswell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Crisp Lacy
Mrs. JoAnn Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Oswaldo de Rivero Barreto
Ms. Jenny Dees
Nick del Rosso & Kristin White del Rosso
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Delk
James & Joyce Dickerson
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Dietsche
Lee Ann Dillon & William Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Doron
Dr. & Mrs. Gene Douglas
Drs Pamela S Douglas and Geoffrey S Ginsburg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Drumheller
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Dunham
Dr. & Mrs. David Durack
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Durkan
Mr. & Mrs. George Enochs
Ms. Elise Dee Coy Epstein
Ms. Alexa Leigh Epstein
The Evans Family
Mr. Barry Evans and Mrs. Marla Wright-Evans
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Faber
Doreen and John Fairbank
Dr. & Mrs. William Farabow
David and Lelia Farr
Mr. Jeff Farris and Mrs. Alia Farris
The Felder Family
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Firth
Mr. John L. Fisher
Ms. Anne Garland Fitz-Hugh
Mrs. Marianna Fitz-Hugh
Mr. Slaughter Fitz-Hugh III
Mr. Slaughter Fitz-Hugh IV
Mr. & Mrs. John Flanagan
Ms. Carolyn Fleming
Mr. Robert Fletcher and Dr. Marie Chabot-Fletcher
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Floyd
This Flick Family
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Flynn
Dr. & Mrs. James Foght
Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Fountain 
Mr. & Mrs. Bryant Frech
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Fry
Mr. & Mrs. Vic Galef
Mr. & Mrs. William Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Gasque
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gerhardt
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gililan
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Glass
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Grantmyre
Dr. Jerry Greenhoot
Mr. & Mrs. John Grim
The David Hall Family
Ellen and Spence Hamrick
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Harbert
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harlan
Mr. Robert Harper & Mrs. Kristin Harper
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Harrington
Scott & Jill Harris
The Hart Family
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hartshorn
Dr. & Mrs. Alexander Hattaway
Mr. & Mrs. John Healy
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Helgesen
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Hendrick
Mr. & Mrs. John Henson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Henson
Mr. Jesse Hermann and Ms. Julie Keenan
Tom M. and Mary L. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Himes
Mr. & Mrs. David Hodson
Mrs. Lorette Hollinshed
Mr. William Holtzrager
Mr. & Mrs. Trig Horton
Mr. Charlie House
Mr. & Mrs. Gideon Huddle
Mr. Victor Farah & Ms. Robin Hudson
Jim and Ginny Hunt and Family
Ms. Sandra Hyde
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald I. Hutton
Mr & Mrs Brent Jacobsen
Mr. & Mrs. John Jelinek
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Jellison
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Jessen
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. E.R. Johnston
Sally and Tom Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. William Jones
Dr. & Mrs. Oren W. Justice
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Kameen
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kane
Mr. Larry Hopkins & Mrs. Terri Kelly-Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ketels
Mr. & Mrs. J. Hall Kinlaw
Mr. Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Koch
Mr. & Mrs. John Knott
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Knouff
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Krainin
Mr. & Mrs. John Kropp
Mr. & Mrs. James Ladd
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lammert
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Poul Lindegaard
Ms. Ruth Lindsay
Mr. Robert Lock
Mr. & Mrs. Derek Lonker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lord
Barry and Jennifer Lucas
Sam Lucas
Thomas Lucas
Mr. Chris Edmonds and Mr. Fred Lyman
Dr. Nancy K. Maguire
The Maher Family
Ken & Paige Marsh, Amelia Anne & Cece
Mr. & Mrs. George Martin
Ms. Barbara Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Massie
Mr. & Mrs. John May
Mr. & Mrs. James McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. George McGowen
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McInnis
Mr. Stanley McInnis
Mr. & Mrs. W. Lawrence McKeithan
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Meyers
Joel Michaels & Jennifer Russel
Robert and Allison Miley
Barbara Adams Miller and Leonard Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Miller
Ms. Pat Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mitchell
Mr. George Mitchell
Mr. Kent Mitchell
Mrs. Carol Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mugge
Mr. Bill Mullican
Bryan & Peg Mulqueen
Ms. Cheryl Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Neuwirth
Ms. Hannah Newcombe
John and Mary Murrill Oakes
Murrill Irene Oakes
Pat & Suzanne O’Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald O’Keefe
Mr. Robert Overstreet
Sharon Palsha & Jake Freiberger & Family
Mr. Charles Pardee
Mr. & Mrs. Doyle Parrish
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Payne
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Harper Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. David Peterson
Ms. Mary Peyton
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pittinos
The Plotts Family
Steve and Tami Polge & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Poole
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Prak
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pritchard
Ms. Dana Pritchett
Rocky and Deb Rausch
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Reckhow
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Reyner
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rice
Randy & Kris Riley
Sybil Robb
Mrs. Melanie Robbins
Jeanne and Mike Robertson
Mr. Lawrence Kirby & Ms. Diane Robinson
Rooney-Dillon Family
Ms. Juanita Roushdy
Jim and Sheri Ruddy & Family
Dan & Diana Saklad
Ms. Alice Saunders
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schmidt
Mrs. Anita Schnog
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schuler
Mr. Philip C. Scibilia
Mr. David Shaddy
Yujie Shan and Mehmet Camurdan
Dr. Julie and Dr. Ned Sharpless
Mr. & Mrs. Gaither Shaw
Catherine Sigal & William Morton
Ms. Kaitlyn Clare Silvagni
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Smith
Mr. Marcus Smith
Mr. A.C. Sorrell
Ms. Sallie Shuping-Russell & Mr. Ed Spence
The Spivey Family
Jim & Elizabeth Stanfill
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Starks
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Staton
Shannon and Ken Stober
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Stockton
Mr. Tim Dunn & Dr. Ellen Stofan
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Stonehouse
Mr. Terry Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Syring
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Tarplin
Scott & Beth Thomas
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Timmons
Alex, Courtney, Elia & Sylvie Toledo
Ms. Milan Tolley
Mr. & Mrs. George Toulas
Ms. Penny Jackson Trask
Mr. Bynum Tudor
Ms. Elizabeth Tudor
Ms. JoAnna Tudor
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Tuttle
Mrs. Betty Twiggs
Mr. & Mrs. Robb VanMarter
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry VanSant
Mr. & Mrs. C. Porter Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Drayton Virkler
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Walker
Mr. Edmund G. Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Watjen
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Watson
Dr. & Mrs. John Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Griffin Weld
Mr. & Mrs. David Welden
Bryan & Janet Wester
Mrs. Lee Wester
Ms. Valerie White
Ms. Michelle Whitman
James and Mildred Wilkinson
Mrs. Nonie Williams
Ronnie Willis
Dee & Bruce Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Wilson
Mrs. Rachel Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. E. James Wisner
Douglas Witcher
Theodore Wojtech & Claire Lonegan
Deborah Wong and Richard Riddell
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Wright
Drs. Sally and John York
Bill & Karen Young
Mr. Richard Young
Mrs. Pat Young
Ms. Robyn Ballard Ziperski
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zoukis
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