Bald Head Island Conservancy

Interns After Hours

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By Kaitlyn Williams, Summer Intern 2024

Being an intern at the Bald Head Island Conservancy has been a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience. As an intern, one of the first questions I get asked (after a quick update on nesting season of course), is what my summer has looked like so far. You’ve seen us all around the island this summer: conservation interns responding to wildlife hotline calls; our lovely education team helping you explore the marsh or getting you up close with fan favorite ambassador animals Gloria and Brownie Bite; retail interns ringing up your new finds at Turtle Central; development interns running trots or taking photos at events; and of course, our notorious sea turtle interns patrolling the beach. But what do we get up to once our workday is done? I’m here to break down my top five favorite memories from the summer to give you a little more insight into the internship after-hours and all of the fun we’ve had.

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Interns dressed to impress at our first Howl at the Moon! From left to right: Kaytlin (retail), Egan (retail), Kat (education), me (development), Lauren (conservation) & Danielle (development).

Interns’ First Howl: The Howl at the Moon is a Bald Head Island staple! For those who aren’t familiar, each full moon,islanders gather at Beach Access 39 to await the moonrise. There’s a big potluck and a bagpiper that plays as the sun is setting. Once the moon becomes visible, everyone starts to howl like werewolves. Initially, we weren’t sure what to make of the whole tradition, but it became a fun way to let loose that I’m sure we will never forget. It is truly a surreal experience to have such a large group of individuals participating in a rather odd tradition, but it brought a sense of community to the island for us for the first time. 

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A picture-perfect sunset view.

Sunset Swims: Typically, we interns don’t have much time to soak in the sun except on our days off, so we’ve taken to spending a lot of non-traditional time at the beach to ensure we’re enjoying the Bald Head seashore while we’re here! Once every few weeks, a small group of us will trek out to access 36 around sunset, towels in hand, and plunge into the ocean for a sunset swim. During these moments, surrounded by the giggles of my fellow interns, a deep feeling of gratitude for this place and this summer really sinks in. I’ve had some of the best conversations in the sunset-tinted water after a long day of work.  As it gets darker, we wave to our turtle team as they pass in their UTVs and take in the view of the milky way.

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Our first birthday party: a learning lesson that maybe we need more than one box of cake mix.

Parties: One thing you should know about this summer’s interns is we love to celebrate! From Summerween to Christmas in July, we will take any excuse to bake a cake and put up some decorations. So far this summer, we’ve had four birthdays (with two more on the way), and we’ve made sure that everyone feels special on their big day. Lauren (conservation) is our chief cake decorator and never fails to pull through with the best designs. My birthday fell during the very first week of our internship, which I had initially been quite nervous about. However, everyone went out of their way to make sure I enjoyed my day, and it really cemented the community feel that has been present for us all summer long.

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All smiles for an afternoon in Wilmington! Left: Katharine (education), right: me, and, if you look very closely in the reflection, Kat and Noelle (education)!

Off Island Adventures: As much as we all love Bald Head, it’s always a treat to hop on the ferry and get dinner in Southport or take a day trip to Wilmington. Being with the other interns makes even the most mundane outings fun: a trip to Trader Joe’s turns into a major adventure with Katharine (education) as car DJ, or what was just supposed to be a grocery run ends in dinner and ice cream with Kat (education) and Lauren. Throughout the summer, we’ve spent an evening supporting the Wilmington Sharks out at the baseball diamond, giggled between bites of popcorn over the latest Despicable Me movie, and spent more time in the ferry parking lot than I ever dreamed possible. Still, nothing beats the feeling of a golf cart ride home from the marina with a heart so full of love for the people you spent the day with. 

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Dinner at the Chateau!

Group Dinners: Last but certainly not least are the nights we have whole group dinners. We don’t all necessarily fit into the kitchen or around our dinner table at the same time, and no one is on the same schedule, so getting all fifteen of us in the same spot is a challenge! When we all finally get together, the energy is always electric. Whether it’s a low country boil at the Shoals Club, a dinner cooked by the wonderful Katie Chatis, or even just something we organize ourselves, like our Fourth of July cookout and our  Sunday night nacho bar, having everyone riffing off one another and the joys of not having to cook really brings everyone together. 

Getting to spend the summer surrounded by such diverse ecosystems, seeing the beauty of nesting sea turtles, and engaging with kids so eager to learn about the environment has been fantastic. Still, I think the best part of my experience, hands down, would have to be the other interns. These memories are all big highlights of the summer, but the truest testament to our bonds would be found in the not-so-big moments we’ve shared together over the past three months. From our nightly veg hours on the couch, The Bachelorette or Bluey on the television, to golf cart rides around the island when we’ve exhausted our usual spots in the living room, anything when we’re together is bound to be a good time. I couldn’t imagine a better team, and I’m so grateful to the Conservancy for bringing us all together for this magical summer.  


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