By Joel Davies, Conservation Technician If you have ever spent time wandering the salt marshes on Bald Head Island, you may have heard distinct sounds without a traceable origin (listen above!). Pops or snaps bounce around in seemingly every direction at sporadic intervals. If you were ever curious as to who or what makes […]
By Kendall Kelly, 2024 Fall Intern The Conservancy’s Education team spent the morning of October 7 celebrating the unveiling of the new pollinator garden signage at Marina Park. Thanks to the collaborative efforts between the Conservancy, the BHA, the Village, and countless community volunteers, the exhibit is flourishing with pollinators and...
By Allison Polinski, Coastal Scientist Shorebird nesting season runs from April 1st to August 31st, and it is important to “share the shore” during this time. While walking the beach, you may have noticed signs designating bird nesting areas. Shorebirds nest directly on the sand, and their eggs are camouflaged well, so it is important […]
By Larah Gonzalez, Summer 2024 Intern A walk through Bald Head Island’s maritime forest grants each visitor an awe- inspiring view of oak trees, towering above and stretching their branches towards the sky. Oak trees are an integral species within the maritime forest. Their canopies cast a welcome reprieve from the sun and provide habitat...
By Allison Polinski, Coastal Scientist As the weather warms up, male frogs and toads have started calling to find their mates. There are 31 species of frogs and toads in North Carolina, and many of these species can be heard on BHI. Bald Head Island Conservancy participates in both CASP (Calling Amphibian Survey Program) and […]
By Heather Bariso, Coastal Educator The Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) is a species of Special Concern in North Carolina. They get their name from the diamond shaped swirls on their shells. Each scute, or shell scale, has a unique pattern of whorls that makes each turtle different. Skin color and pattern varies between turtles as...
By Tyler Petruccelli, Fall Conservation Intern One of the most beautiful species of bird found on Bald Head Island is the Painted Bunting (Passerina cerris), a small passerine species in the cardinal family. Adult males are easily identifiable by their vibrant and multicolored plumage, boasting blue, green, and red feathers. Females and...
By Jonathan Saldeen, Fall 2023 Conservation Intern Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) is one of the most sought-after game fish for recreational anglers from Massachusetts to South Texas. These fish are known for their reddish copper coloration, distinctive black spot on their tails, and the drumming sound they make. Red drum do this “drumming” by...
By Hannah Miu, Conservation Intern (Fall 2023) If you were to ask someone to imagine the beaches of Bald Head Island, odds are they would picture ocean waves breaking over the shoals, gulls and willets darting in and out of the water, and miles of long, grassy sand dunes. Dunes are a key fixture of […]
by Morgan Greene, Education Part-timer You’re leaning over the railing at the Bald Head Island Wildlife Overlook, scanning the surface of this natural freshwater pond for signs of movement. Apart from the cicadas buzzing in the trees, all is quiet. All is still—ah! At the edge of the pond, something dark green and reptilian rises […]
Location: P.O. Box 3109, 700 Federal Rd. Bald Head Island, North Carolina 28461 EIN#: 58-1574496
Phone: Office: (910)-457-0089